Friday, October 30, 2009


I've been searching for a topic to write about.  Something to inspire me to get my non-writer-fingers moving.  I couldn't land on anything, at all.  But, while I was doing dishes, a thought dropped in my brain.  I've been working my way through a series of books.  They are very intriguing.  The thing that got me was the way the main character is with God.  He trusts completely.  There is one place in the books where he goes, kneels down to pray, and stays there, pleading for an answer.  He didn't move until he got a audible answer.  Which got me thinking, what do I ask God for?  And truly trust that he will answer? I've never gotten down on my knees and stayed there till I got an answer. Never.  Do I even trust him to actually give me a audible answer?  He can.  So here is my question to myself, and to you. 

When you pray do you trust? Are you doing lip service or are you seeking an answer?

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
Matthew 21:22


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