Monday, June 15, 2009

The Rain

The sun has finally come out today.

It feels as though it has been hiding behind rain clouds and gray skies forever. It’s funny how the weather seems to add to life. If the day is sunny and bright and cheery, my mood improves and the stressful things don’t seem quite as bad as they do on the gloomiest rainiest of days.

I’m glad for the sun.

And for the rain.

The sun would not seem so beautiful or the skies so blue today if it weren’t for the rain. If it weren’t for the struggles in my walk with God, there would be no growth, there would be no blessed sigh of happiness when God let’s the sun back in and says, “Yes. I’m here.”

Even if it’s just for a moment. Even if it’s just a snatch of blue sky.

The rainy days come.

The rainy days go.

But the sun…it’s always there. Somewhere.

I’m remembering that God, like the sun, is always there. It might not be easy to hear Him or see His hands at work; it might hard and gray and a struggle.

But He’s there, in spite of the grayness. He’s there. And it’s beautiful when He’s so clear, like the sun against the blue sky. It’s beautiful…because without the rain, I’d take the sun for granted. And without troubles and stumbling and falling, I would take God for granted, too.

Today, I thank God for the sun, but I also thank Him for the rain.


Rebecca June 15, 2009 at 7:55 AM  

Amen Krista! good post! It reminds me of the song of JJ Heller's "no matter how the wind may blow, it cannot shake the sun"

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