Dr. Jak's Color Wheel 101
Attention class! *peers over spectacles* this is a color wheel. (see below) There are many different types of color schemes using the colors shown in this wheel. For example. Monochromatic, Triad, and Complementary.
Today we're going to talk about the Analogous color scheme. Don't ask me how to pronounce it. :)
Analogous is a color scheme using 3 colors that are next door neighbors on the color wheel. Some examples are Red, Orange and Yellow. Blue, Purple and Violet are also analogous.
A little clue: the root word here is "analogy" which is a word meaning: "A resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness"
The beauty of an analogous color scheme is it really complements itself. Pick a color. Any color. The two colors directly on it's right and left are it's two closest relatives. Think of it like a family. Brothers and sisters. They look, feel and sound a lot alike. They make each other stronger, by expressing the same opinion or making the same statement, but each with it's own flair.
Here's an Analogous color scheme. Blue, Turquoise, Lime Green.Any of these colors by itself has a soothing, calm, tranquil feel to it. Makes me think of oceans and salt spray and summer. Put the three together and it's like adding a little cinnamon to your coffee. Warm and vigorous, but more so.
I love your fashion tips, Dr. Jak! :-D Very interesting and I will most definitely have to remember all this!
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