Life as a Movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
That you'd fall in love with
In the end
We'd be laughin'
Watchin' the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play that happy song
(Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana)
Marriage is just one of the things that I thought once would happen so perfectly, like in those courtship stories, like in the movies.
Art imitates life, but life isn’t always like a movie.
Alas, but it isn't. Really.
But there is one good thing about that. Just because life isn't like a movie, that doesn't mean that Someone isn't in control.
God is.
And thank Him that He is! From any indication, my attempts on directing my life into a movie had flopped and never even grazed the B-movie section.
But He is in control and that's an amazing blessing. I can’t even begin to comprehend that. How can something that hurts be a blessing? How can the ache of loneliness and uncertainty be a blessing? It is hard to wrap my mind around it all. Life doesn’t seem blessed when it turns out to be something I never wanted.
I keep returning to the fact, the incontrovertible fact, that He has the plans and that’s the one thing, the only thing that keeps me trusting.
I don't really know; I'm not in the Operations Room, you see. All I do know is that the world has a Chief who was victorious when the powers of darkness struck at Him with everything they had. He has the plans today. The darkness won't last forever. There's a splendor beyond.
- Enemy Brothers, by Constance Savery
Thank you, Krista, for writing and sharing this! I appreciate it SO much - today, especially. This was definitely a case of reading the right thing at the right time ... "a God thing."
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