Step of Faith
Sometimes when it comes to having to make decisions, I think I remind myself of Adrian Monk of the detective show Monk.
In one particular episode, Mr. Monk goes temporarily blind as a result of interrupting a crime. In spite of this, he is determined to solve the case. While following a lead, he and his assistant, Natalie, go to a construction site. Somehow, they manage to get separated and Mr. Monk finds himself taking a ride on the elevator up to some random upper floor, where he proceeds to get stuck on a slender steel beam.
Mr. Monk, still blind, assumes that he's stuck on that small steel beam, several stories from the ground below. He teeters there, desperately trying to keep his balance, trying not to fall. He calls frantically for his assistant. "Natalie! Natalie!"
Finally, his assistant comes running to his rescue. "Just take a step, Mr. Monk. Don't worry, it's okay."
She takes his hand and he tentatively takes a step of faith and finds that the floor was only a few inches away all along. He laughs with relief. It wasn't so bad - he was never in danger at all, really.When it comes to decisions, decisions that feel as though they could determine the outcome of my future, I am like Mr. Monk. I imagine myself to be standing on a slender beam, wobbling precariously over a deep something. Should I stay or should I step into the unknown?
I have a feeling that the ground really isn't as far away, nor as dangerous as I keep imagining. But I don't know and, like Mr. Monk, I find it hard to trust when I can't see. I can't see the outcome and I don't even know if God wants me to wobble here longer or just take a leap of faith and fall where He would have me fall.
And so, as I wobble, waiting for word from God, I remember...
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the LORD is the One who holds his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24
Mr. Monk might have Natalie, but I've got God holding my hand. Who can beat that?
wow. GOOD thoughts.
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