Thursday, September 18, 2008


Note: The reference to God being our true love is not meant in lieu of a girlfriend/boyfriend scenario, but rather that within all of us is the deep need to love and be loved--which can only be satisfied fully by our relationship with the Lord. We really don't understand how much God does love us. My prayer is that this will encourage you to plunge deeper and deeper into that love, and look to Him for ultimate fulfillment.

written by Deborah Teat 3 years ago

The ache settles deep within—
Burning, clamoring, its ceaseless din
Pushing me to run to You.
No other source can lift me through
The yearning I feel.

I long for love; my soul’s vast crave
Washes me, waves after wave with endless crash
Of endless fears, of endless hopes, of endless tears.
But wait; be still, for whom but He
Who redeemed your soul
Can your true love be?

There is none else who loves you so,
With perfect love: O do not throw
His love away for petty things this life may give.

Only when in Him you live
With calm joy and deep content
Your search for love will then be spent.

For there in Him your longing complete,
Will you find the true love you so earnestly seek.

~Miss Deb


Pam H. September 18, 2008 at 6:28 PM  

Yes, even in a happy marriage, we sometimes feel very lonely. I don't believe any human being ever really KNOWS another - not fully, anyway. Only God does that.

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