Thursday, August 28, 2008

Full Hands

I want full hands.

To most people, that statement might sound somewhat strange. Who wants that? We all have enough to handle in life without adding more, right?

But I want full hands.

I'm not referring to some sort of greedy get-all-you-can mentality. Nor am I encouraging that you take on more than the Lord leads you to.

I mean full hands.

In my own Christian walk, surrendering my will to the will of my Lord can be, well, tough sometimes.

Oh I know He's faithful. I know He's in control. I know He wants what is best for me.

But to willingly open my hands to Him, to willingly unclench my fist, and give Him everything--in my moments of small vision, my sinful doubting heart just doesn't want to.

When my eyes see no solution to the problem I am the most tempted to rely on myself. I'll give Him some of my will--just not all of it.

I fear that partial surrender is more deadly than no surrender. Partial is deceiving--it can make me think I've let go, when I'm really still holding on very tightly to the corner.

The truth is, my hands are the fullest when there is nothing in them. When it all is given to God.

As Betty Scott-Stam, martyred missionary to China in the 1930s, once said:

When we consecrate ourselves
to God, we think we are making
a great sacrifice,and doing lots
for Him, when really we
are only letting go some little,
bitsie trinkets we have been
grabbing, and when our hands
are empty, He fills them
full of His treasures”

— Betty Scott Stam

I'm ashamed to say my hands aren't always full of God's treasures. I have a habit sometimes of snatching back what I've given to Him. Empty hands are full hands, because it is when we let go, that God shows Himself strong. When we allow Him to be Lord over all in our lives, when we give every circumstance to Him, when we let go of all of our will, and take His will as ours, it is then we are the most full--for He fills us with Himself.

I want full hands.

Do you?

~Miss Deb


Clare August 28, 2008 at 3:41 PM  

Thank you for a beautiful post.

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